Saturday, August 30, 2008

Your Best Option Is To Always Avoid Medical Debts Of Possible

Category: Finance, Credit.

Many Americans do not appreciate that is not credit card, that is the, or mortgage debt biggest factor in people filing for bankruptcy.

It is always wiser if possible to avoid filing for bankruptcy. Medical debts are the biggest single cause of the American public seeking the protection of the bankruptcy courts. Your best option is to always avoid medical debts of possible. There are a few tips that can assist in avoiding serious medical debt situations, take a moment to read through the information below to see if it can assist you. Of course, unfortunately nobody ever knows what lies around the corner, when it comes to personal health. The best option always as to avoid medical debts as far as possible, by staying as healthy as possible. Improving your general attitude towards your health can pay massive bonuses not only in personal well- being but also in terms of possibly saving huge amounts of money in long- term medical payments.

Excessive drinking and smoking as well as a general unhealthily lifestyle can lead to multiple serious complications. Any kind of health regime can be a huge benefit in the long- term especially as we get older. Unfortunately, for many Americans this opportunity has already passed them by, and those people need to seriously consider their options. An investment now in personal health can pay off massively by avoiding medical debts in the future. One mistake that many people make is to transfer their medical debts onto high interest loans such as credit cards. Therefore, a credit card or similar arrangement is not a practical way of settling medical debts. Generally speaking, the rates of interest charged by medical services will be well below than that charged by a credit card company.

Another reason not to transfer your medical debts onto a credit card is that it will greatly reduce the possibilities of you receiving Medicaid. As such, only medical debts lower your average gross income, increasing the possibility of receiving assistance. The reason for this is that Medicaid is largely based on your gross income. If you transfer the bills onto your credit cards, they will not be counted in the same way. There are consultants who are experienced in negotiating on your behalf, with medical companies. If you have difficulty making the proposed hospital or other medical payments attempt to negotiate a payment plan that will suit your budget better. They can negotiate lower payments and possibly a reduced total amount owed.

If you do negotiate a payment schedule, it is important that you stick to those arrangements. You should however keep in mind that these companies are not charities they work for a profit. Late or missing payments will incur fess and also interest charges, as well as damaging your credit history. These organizations such as churches and other community groups are often in a position to at least give free advice and possibly offer financial aid. There are many organizations and charities who offer free assistance to people who are having problems with their medical bills. You can also consider applying for Medicaid, which is funded by Federal and State departments.

Your final option and in many cases the most viable, is to consider taking out a debt consolidation loan or an equity release loan. Although all States offer Medicaid programmes, the details vary from one State to another, so it is important that you contact your own individual State department. These types of financing offer a low interest with many years to pay and can provide a low monthly payment. Which may be your cheapest option for paying off your medical debts.

Friday, August 29, 2008

He S A Friend Goddamn It

Category: Finance, Credit.

Not long ago a friend of mine came to me with a problem. He was not looking for money, well not exactly.

He had just recently broken up with his girlfriend and was having financial difficulties. He and his ex- girlfriend had taken out a 100 of your net income each month and add this amount to the monthly repayments you make on your smallest loan. Continue in this fashion. Once you have paid down this loan take the amount you were repaying on the loan along with the additional 5% and add it to the next smallest loan. Cut up all your credit cards and operate only with debit cards or cash. After the six months were up I would extend it for another year if he met the criteria I outlined above.

Create a daily/ weekly/ monthly budget. " I said to my friend that I would go guarantor for six months to give him breathing space but I wanted him to change his spending habits. To the casual observer the terms outlined above may seem a bit extreme- some may argue that I should have simply gone ahead and signed for the mortgage and to hell with the consequences. My argument is this- it was this kind of attitude that got us into debt in the first place and I ll be damned if I m going back there. He s a friend goddamn it! I ve had too many sleepless nights for me to go back to drowning in debt. My friend said I was being unreasonable.

So this is how it turned out. I explained in detail the reasons why I wanted him to meet the criteria. He didn t take too kindly to my offer of help on condition. It was for his own good and I had his best interests at heart. He got very offended. I was trying to control his spending behaviour but only because I could see exactly where he was going to run into financial trouble. He said I was treating him like a child and in certain respects he was right.

I tried to remain calm and kept repeating my reasons but as I said before when people are in a lot of financial trouble and the bank is calling it is hard for them to be logical. He couldn t see why I was being so stubborn. It did become a bit ridiculous and my friend became very upset. I pointed out that I felt it was unfair for him to use emotional blackmail on me just so I could click my fingers and his problems would be solved. The conversation went on in this manner for a while before my friend just got up and left in anger. Well at least solved until the next debt threat! We didn t speak for weeks.

We spoke for a while and he apologised for storming off. I sent him an email to see how he was getting on and he called me. I asked about the mortgage and he told me that his brother in law had gone guarantor. We have met up and spoken since but our friendship is damaged probably beyond repair. We pretty much left it at that. Part of me wonders whether the right thing to do was nothing- to make up some wishy washy excuse as to why I couldn t go guarantor and leave him to his own devices.

Now before you start typing that email of bile to me let me explain. I don t know what would have happened but to be honest I think the best thing that could have happened to him was to lose his house- or come close enough to losing it that he changed his ways. I wanted my friend to realise how dangerous debt can be if used without thinking. I wanted to help him realise this but he did not want to listen and certainly not to me. I could see from his" I want it all and I want it now" lifestyle that he was using getting in deeper and deeper in debt. Who was I to tell him he had a problem? Probably not.

If the sheriff had come calling to take his stuff away would that have been enough?


Cash Back Credit Cards Are One Of The Latest Crazes To Sweep The Personal Finance Industry - Patrica Dimuzio's Finance and Credit blog:

Cash back credit cards are one of the latest crazes to sweep the personal finance industry.

Tired Of Looking At That Overwhelming Credit Card Statement Every Month - Finance and Credit:

Tired of looking at that overwhelming credit card statement every month? Sure, the figure on the bill might be rather daunting, but with some discipline and a winning attitude, it can be eliminated to zeros sooner than you might ever imagine.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Are You Not Able To Oversee These Debts

Category: Finance, Credit.

Are you over laden with amount overdue? Do you want to duck ruin or arrears?

Are you not able to oversee these debts? Did you answer yes to all questions? Debt bosses solution is a way of paying your arrears with a periodic payment that you can afford based on your particular circumstances. If so, then debt administration solution is for you. No suspicion to get your creditors acquiesce to shrink cyclic can be hard as the are regularly attached with the word no. Debt organization solution will take farthermost care to convince the creditor as many credits turn down the bargain.

But to make your accede is not impractical. The ensuing ways by which the debt managers solution you are- - 1) Go through your business with you. 2) Agree an affordable season compensation with you. 3) Prepare a Financial Statement and Budget. 4) Negotiate with your creditors. 5) Distribute your payments to your. But the termination written notice is received within 7 days of making the concurrence. One more thing you may remember while taking debt directors solution is you can abandon the understanding and be authorized to a full compensation of money. This is well- known as& lsquo. Retro after which debt management solution regular terms apply. Cooling off& rsquo.

Once the debt executives solution programme is under way you can stop the covenant any time and no penalty is added to it. The once- over can be used as long as you want until you feel self- confident to deal with your creditors over again. As such there is no slightest or maximum time agreement. Of possibility no debt is unimportant if you can& ;t afford it. In not payments at the agreed level and on the agreed your creditor may with draw his prop for the plan. But debt managing solution is accommodating for those who are with hefty amounts of sum unpaid, in general in leftover of �20, 00Debt controlling solution is functional to unsecured amount outstanding and not to loans like utilities, etc which you, CCJs restart to pay and debt employers provision is not essential. But as said& lsquo.

Should be the maxim of your clearance debts. Prevention is better than cure& rsquo. Debt supervision solution not only your debt but also improves your credit history. It is if truth be told not a good thing that many folks are misguided into taking that are not apposite to their business situation. Loan borrowing is like once in a life time decision and much is at investment. This leads to many linked reservations.

The difficult with this solution of debt problems is that it includes a lot more than minimally debt. A debt solution like bankruptcy have to truly only be used as a last possible solution. When star declares them self bankrupted, all debt album schedule against that person are prevented. The most worthy exception is that when a loan is secured by assets creditors can seek support from the stay and seize that stuff. The courtyard an" automatic stay" , which- with a few exceptions funds that come after the money owed to them. The extra are schoolboy loan debt, child care and, alimony.

This chattels is then sold and the proceeds are in addition to the. The behind for the person who seeks this solution to expel his debt is that he or she must hand over all non- relieved estate. There are two of this solution of your debt problems: . Chapter 13 a person to keep most of their income, but have to make a plan to pay the debt back to on their upcoming income. Chapter 7which states that a person is compulsory to hand over much of their goods, but creditors cannot seek damages from extra income. Under this plan, the quad can require to live within a very narrow low- priced. One of the biggest snag is that both debt expunge will significantly impact a person s credit rate.

As you see, there are to both debt abolition plans. For this aim, yourself bankrupt is a solution of your debt problems that would be evaluated very thoroughly and watchfully.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

These People Need Debt Management Advice

Category: Finance, Credit.

It is not possible for a common man to never fall in debt. They never spend on credit, and if they ever do, they can return it at any time they want.

There are some who are born with silver spoons in their mouths. Problem arises with the average man who can neither avoid spending on credit nor return the money in time. Sometimes, debts go out of their hands and they cannot keep control over them. This is the group that very often ends up with unmanageable debts. These people need debt management advice. At some point, they may be completely unable to get out of the pit of debt.

Unless they are guided properly, their debt situation goes from bad to worse. However, where there is a problem, there is a solution. Governments in various countries have come forward with different plans and programmes that help people resolve their debt problem. Various debt management programmes are chalked out for people who are unable to resolve their debt problem with their individual effort. Like any other country in the world, there are debt management programmes initiated by the government in the UK. Compared to government help, the debt management programmes offered by the private agencies are easy to avail. In the private level also, there is no dearth of means to sort out the debt problem.

There are private agencies that take the complete responsibility of helping debt ridden people come out of debt crunch. With their intervention, the lenders get their money back and the borrower gets the burden of debt off his shoulder. They work as a bridge between the lender and the borrower and take measures that are fair for both the parties. Though both the parties get the benefits of debt management programmes, it is the borrower who gets the upper hand.


Great No Annual Fee Cards - Finance and Credit Articles:

The bulk of lending institutions now offer no annual fee credit cards to draw in new consumers.

Understandably, Other Cards Followed Suit - Finance and Credit Articles:

More and more, consumers are becoming just as interested in the label associated with their reward credit card as they are with the interest rate, and rewards, possible annual fees. Looking for Unique.

Piggyback Credit - Finance and Credit:

One of the most common misconceptions there is about rebuilding credit is that you have to go back and pay everyone you owe money to every single dime that you owe them. In fact, if your debts are more than four years old, you do not want to pay them off.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Different Credit Card Issuers Have Different Terms Regarding A Balance Transfer

Category: Finance, Credit.

When you use one credit card to pay off another you are doing what is known as a. balance transfer. Theoretically, you can keep transferring balances between credit cards indefinitely as long as you have a credit card that allows the transfer.

Many consumers use the balance transfer as a way to keep from becoming delinquent on their credit card payments. Different credit card issuers have different terms regarding a balance transfer. When you are making a decision about transferring a balance to a credit card these are the primary factors that you should consider. The most important of these terms are the interest rate to which the balance transfer is subject, the total amount that can be transferred, and any fees associated with the transfer. Each of these factors has an effect on the amount you will end up paying for transferring the balance. With these conditions in place, you are able to transfer a credit card balance for free.

The ideal credit card for transferring balance is one that has a zero percent APR, a high limit allowed for the balance transfer, and no fee associated with the transfer. If you are looking for a way to pay down some of your credit card debt, using a free balance transfer is the best way to do so. When you do a balance transfer, you should close out the old credit card account immediately. By transferring your credit card balances to a credit card that does not have associated interest rate or fees, you can pay off balances easier. Doing this will curb your spending, ensuring that you do not become deeper in debt. Once you have transferred the balance to the credit card, you should put it away. Another rule of thumb to follow when you are working with balance transfers is not to use the new card to make any purchases.

Don t use the card until you have completely repaid the amount of the balance transfer. If you use a zero percent APR credit card for the balance transfer, you must make sure you are aware of the terms and conditions of the credit card. If you use the card to make purchases, you have nullified the benefits of transferring the balance to a new credit card. In many cases, you lose out on the advantage of not having an interest rate if you make a single late payment. Since credit bureaus look at your total balances and available credit, juggling debts does not improve your credit score. You should be aware that transferring balances might not necessarily improve your credit rating or standing with the credit reporting agencies.

In fact, if you have too many credit cards open at one time, your credit score could be negatively impacted. Using them responsibly can help a great deal. There are pros and cons to using balance transfers with credit cards. Abusing the privilege might put you in a worse situation than you began with.


Great No Annual Fee Cards - Jessie Penick's Finance and Credit blog:

The bulk of lending institutions now offer no annual fee credit cards to draw in new consumers.

There Are Offers Galore On These Cards In The Market - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card has conveniently replaced cash these days. There are offers galore on these cards in the market.

Fair Credit Billing Act - Finance and Credit Articles:

Statistics show that 80% of Americans have either bad or erroneous information on their credit reports. If you ask me a more startling statistic is 90% of the information on the internet teaching you how to improve your credit is bad or erroneous.

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Credit Problem Is Fixable

Category: Finance, Credit.

How emotions impact credit is a subject that few people think about but more and more therapists are talking about.

We may think that money is all about our rational selves but, our emotions very, in fact much determine our financial decisions. As a Pastoral Counselor I have long known that there is a powerful link between our emotions and our money. If you want to repair your credit, you have to deal with both the emotional and mathematical sides of handling your money. First of all, give yourself some slack. Here are a few tips from the Free eBook- Credit Rescue- that financial experts suggest will help you harness your emotions in a way that can actually help you to improve your credit rating. There is no point in beating yourself up over a poor credit rating.

Berating yourself gets you nowhere. Instead, promise. yourself that you are going to do something about it starting today and then create a plan to start repairing your credit. Taking action to improve your credit rating will improve your self- esteem as well as your credit. Avoid the excuse game. Your first step is contacting the major credit reporting agencies to see where you stand and then contact your creditors. Lenders do not want to hear a lot of personal excuses.

If you have been the victim of identity theft or some other bureaucratic problem, have a letter placed in your credit file at the agencies explaining what happened. Whatever your problems have been in the past, you will seem like a much more reliable borrower if you focus on what you are doing to make things right. However, when it s your fault, admit it and explain how you plan to fix it. Don t promise to pay$ 100 a week when you only can comfortably afford$ 25 a week. Don t make promises you can t keep! Be honest with yourself and keep your emotions out of it. If you are totally honest, you will feel better about yourself and get better responses from lenders if your focus is on current action.

It feels good to make an exaggerated promise until the reality sets in and you end up feeling worse about yourself than when you started. Instead of wallowing in pity and explaining in great detail the personal and financial problems that led to a bad credit rating, give lenders a condensed version and then move on to a detailed review of what you want to do to repair your credit without over- promising. Rebuilding your credit will not be easy and will take its toll on your emotions. This removes the emotional factor and focuses on the mathematics which is music to a lenders ears and they will be more eager to help you. Once in a while, as you reach a milestone, you need to reward your emotional being by giving yourself an inexpensive treat. If you repay your credit card bill, there is no sense in running up that bill again by spending foolishly just to make yourself feel good for the moment. You should do this through some means that do not involve further debt.

Instead, you should list some inexpensive and fun treats you could give yourself. Keep your list wherever you keep your financial file. For example, my list includes- "Buy yourself a half- dozen powder coated cream puffs! " Get the idea? As you reach a big milestone, take out your list and immediately reward yourself with one of the items on the list. Next, you need to face the emotional reasons you spend money. This will not only keep you motivated, but it will inexpensively keep you from feeling too deprived while you work on your credit rating.

Most of us carry a lot of emotional baggage when it comes to money. Some people use spending as a way of making ourselves feel better. Some people see money as a marker of success. Whichever the case, these attitudes lead us to much of our financial and credit problems. If we" feel poor" we will spend to feel rich. If we rely on spending money to make us feel good, then we are apt to overspend.

In the process we have no money for savings and investments, the very things that will make us truly rich and" feel good" about ourselves because we can buy anything we want without going deeply into debt. The ways we emotionally view money shape the ways we handle money. Debt never feels good, does it? Some financial experts recommend that clients keep a journal, in which they record their money hopes, and their thought, their money fears patterns when. spending money. If you can isolate the emotions that influence your money decisions, you will be well on your way towards fixing your financial problems. A journal can help you by revealing how you truly feel about spending money. Mixing spending with emotion clouds your logical mind and makes you incapable of making sound money decisions.

It s a case of" logic over emotions" . It s that simple. It pays to separate your feelings of worth from your finances, especially when you are trying to repair your credit. Staying calm and professional as you deal with credit bureaus and financial professionals will give you a new lease on life, a new confidence in your financial future. Feeling self- pity, fear, shame, or sadness as you try to repair your credit score are financial killers. If you tell yourself that your credit rating is just an important number, keeping it separate from your value as a person, you will have learned the secret of the Warren Buffet s and Bill Gates of this world.

They have no emotional investment in the process and neither should you from now on. They rightly see money and credit as tools to amass more money and credit. They give billions of dollars to charitable causes and it doesn t hurt them a bit. It all starts with seeing money as a tool. You may never become a Buffet or Gates but you can be a financial powerhouse at your level. It s true that bad credit can be emotionally draining and boosting your credit can seem overpowering but it will be much easier if you keep your emotions under control during the process.

Your banker can be a good financial friend. If you find yourself dwelling on your credit too much or if you find yourself severely depressed, talk to someone about it. Most banks have specialists ready to advise you for free. It does not need to become an emotional disaster for you. A credit problem is fixable. Remember. Debt is a tool as well, a tool that can destroy any chance at a better life.

Money is a tool, a tool that, nothing more can get you a better life. Only you have the power to decide how the rest of your financial life plays out. Jim DeSantis


Wan To Add Money To Your Wired Plastic Prepaid Debit Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

Prepaid debit cards with their exciting features are catching the eyes of credit card holders. Coupled with some great offers the prepaid debit cards become a thing simply not to miss.

Late Payment With A Bad Credit Credit Card Is Severely Penalized - Finance and Credit Articles:

With a bad credit and less than perfect credit history, getting a credit card with competitive features is not that easy. High APR.

Credit Bureaus Are A Government Agency - Finance and Credit Articles:

Consumers cannot repair credit score by themselves. All the information that you need to erase bad credit from your bad credit file like the pros is easily accessible at online.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

If You MUST See Your Current Credit Score Then You Will Have To Pay For That Privilege

Category: Finance, Credit.

Credit scores are the magic ratings consumers get that allow them to create debt, get credit and participate in the best programs and interest rates.

If you want to get to the top of the heap, you will have to tackle each of those issues. Every time you use credit, make payments or, get a loan even inquire about financing possibilities you have the ability to affect your credit score. Start by using the government sanctioned website annualcreditreport. com to get one of your free credits. Otherwise you will get a break down of your credit history and this is where you want to stare. If you MUST see your current credit score then you will have to pay for that privilege. Close out some of your rotating credit accounts.

Pay off the full balances on the cards that you do close out. Having too many credit cards can hurt your credit score. Settling with a company for less than what you owe will have a negative effect on your credit score. In the past, every inquiry would make a mark on your credit score. Limit the number of inquiries you make on your card. Today, similar inquiries( like searching for a mortgage) will be counted as one inquiry which is a way to encourage borrowers to shop around for the best loan deal. Make your payments on time.

When asked if you want to apply for store cards or other credit opportunities keep in mind that a yes will prompt and inquiry and these can ultimately hurt your credit score. Every late payment- even one day late- will hurt your credit score. You will have the best credit score if you limit your borrowing, pay on existing loans the way you agreed to pay on them and limit the number of inquiries that you make regarding additional credit. Paying early may not help, but it will keep you from running into problems and ending up being late for those payments.


How Often Should You Check Your Credit Report - Finance and Credit Articles:

How often should you check your credit report? While you may read advice being given online that indicates your credit report should be checked once every year this is not particularly the case.

Exclusive Mortgage Refinance Leads Are Found Under The Exclusive Mortgage Leads Category - Finance and Credit Articles:

Exclusive mortgage refinance leads are found under the exclusive mortgage leads category.

The Final Reason We Ll Look At For Applying For A New Card Is Rewards - Finance and Credit Articles:

Most of us these days carry at least one credit card, and unless careless use means we ve built up a problematic level of debt, we often don t give a second thought to the plastic in our wallets.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Business Credit Needed To Finance Your Business Will Be Dependent On The Nature And Size Of Your Business

Category: Finance, Credit.

Many businesses that didn t survive their first years obviously didn t have the right business credit needed to grow and make the businesses stronger. There are other people that would have made a much greater success with their existing businesses if they had business credit to do so.

What s very common nowadays is to see brilliant people with grand ideas but no funds to execute these grand ideas. There is however reason to smile because options now exist for business credit with which you can grow a business or even start one up from the scratch. The business credit needed to finance your business will be dependent on the nature and size of your business. You have lots of options when it comes to business credits. Owners of businesses can now sing for joy because they have lots of options in terms of business credits. Private sector providers like the banks offer these types of loans.

The small business loans are the kinds of business credit that will be most appropriate for small business owners. The marketplace for the offering of small business finance is extremely cutthroat. Consequently you can now get cheap business credit. In an attempt to appear more attractive than the competition you will find lots of banks with low interest rates and good repayment. The start- up business loans, the secured and unsecured business loans, the accounts receivable factoring, the commercial real estate loans, etc are some of the other business credit avenues available. If you want to go searching for the best business credit you should begin your search on the Internet.

Whichever kind of business loan you make a decision to take, it s important to get as much information as possible about the various types of business credits. As there are lots of the best business credit providers online. In addition, there are many great websites that have tons and tons of quality information and accurate business credit facts and figures online.


But, What Is Bankruptcy - Dora Garzon about Finance and Credit:

Increasing number people are filing for bankruptcy to get out of debt. Do you know enough of it?

But Still, People Enjoy Buying Something With A Credit Card More - Dominique Burlingame's Finance and Credit blog:

The number one rule when you are choosing a credit card deal is to consider your spending habits.

Always Take The Time To Encrypt Card Information - Finance and Credit:

In an ideal situation, credit card processing service ensures that customers get the goods they purchased in good order. Each get their end of the bargain in a satisfactory manner.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Credit Card Is A Sort Of Piece Of Plastic Card Which Can Be Electronically Activated And Also Used To Buy Services Or Goods

Category: Finance, Credit.

First, you need to be aware that when searching for an ideal credit card, it has to be one that comes without extra charges or costs, requires ninety to a hundred percent of bank balance as its credit limit and needs a minimum sum of cash as the least bank balance.

On the other hand, meeting the minimum payment makes you eligible for an interest rate charge on the rest of the cash. You have the alternative of meeting the minimum payment of the full amount of money billed to you by your credit card firm if you are unable to pay the full amount. If you are not convinced about how or what to fill in the World Wide Web form of a selected credit card organization, it s easy to download the form, study it and also ask solutions to disturbing questions in order to get clarification. If you ve any queries to make regarding the offers or perks of a credit card firm or any other issue about credit cards it s easy to dial up the client service of the firm and have your queries addressed. Application for credit on the Net is processed by a credit card processing software on the Net that is used to ascertain the ability of the client to make payments for the product purchased. The power of discovery has absorbed the credit card business into its workings by making it possible to submit an application for a credit card on the Net with a simple click of the mouse.

Recall to release your credit card info to only websites that you are sure are secured in order to elude identity theft or fraud. If you are a business owner, it is expedient that you get a business credit card to pay money for all your transactions associated with your business, as this will make it trouble- free for you to trace your expenses. A credit card is a sort of piece of plastic card which can be electronically activated and also used to buy services or goods. To draw the curtain on this article, credit cards come with countless offers like points or earning which come in percentages and are gotten when you make certain purchases at stores or supermarkets. It beats cash any day on account of the fact that it reduces the fear of being robbed that comes with carrying cash. Knowing this can help you make the right decisions.


OK, Back To Our Credit Card Utilization Example - Finance and Credit Articles:

I was in a rare fit of anger. The lady I spoke with at Amex was a complete idiot. and clearly working in the wrong department.

The IMPACT Visa� Card Is A Very Popular Prepaid Card - Finance and Credit Articles:

Prepaid cards bring a host of benefits to a card holder.

Advanta Life- Of- Balance Platinum Card Gives Up To 6% Cash Back Or Travel Rewards - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card companies have been providing reward programs that return a percent of cash back to the customer on his valid purchases. Chase Business Rebate Card gives a 3% Cash Back for purchases at restaurants, office supply stores, gas stations, building supply stores, hardware and home improvement stores and 1% Cash Back on all other purchases.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Points Can Later Be Traded For Airline Miles

Category: Finance, Credit.

Put simply, miles credit cards allow cardholders to earn points for every dollar charged on the card.

There are many promotional offers and some cards offer more points than others. The accumulated points can be redeemed for reduced or, free airfare, in some instances. To entice the customer, certain miles credit cards offer no annual- rate, additional bonus miles, no APR fees with new sign- ups, balance transfers at reduced or no interest rate for a certain period as well as no blackout date for miles redemption. This lets cardholders add more miles at a faster rate with purchases from their favorite retailers. Credit card companies have also come up with affinity card programs that allow cardholders to collect airline miles with purchases at some of their most preferred retailing outlets and merchants. On the downside, these cards tend to have high annual fees and interest rates. However, careful planning can help normal travelers to accumulate good miles.

Frequent flyers tend to be mostly business travelers, who travel often due to work. Some tips to accumulate miles at a fast rate are: 1) Utilize Partner Services- Miles cards normally have tie- ins with car rental companies and hotels as part of their marketing strategy that also provide mileage points accumulation. Once again, by utilizing these vacation or tour packages, cardholders can accumulate more mileage points on the card per trip, earning more points while vacationing. 3) Non- frequent Travelers- For less frequent travelers, it is better to charge any travel related expense to the miles card when you travel. Using these car rental companies or hotels and charging them to the miles card will also help to increase the points accumulated by using necessary travel expenditures. 2) Vacation or Tour Packages- Miles credit cards offer vacation or tour packages to encourage customers to travel and thus to increase demand for their airlines. The travel related expenses could be anything from buying souvenirs, fuel while in, groceries a different location, which also helps, etc to accumulate additional miles on the card. 4) Affiliate services- Some miles card programs partner with a network of allied airline carriers. If your preferred airline does not fly to the location that you desire, try to choose from another airline that is part of the alliance network, giving cardholders yet another opportunity to accumulated miles. Examples of these kinds of network alliance services include the Star Alliance or Flying Blue programs.

Most miles credit cards have numerous benefits for frequent flyers. Some mile cards provide additional or bonus points while making certain purchases. However, the benefits could vary, based on the specific program. The points can later be traded for airline miles. These earned miles give you free or reduced travel tickets. Some miles credit card programs allow portability or the transfer of points to other frequent flyer accounts, and some even offer consolidation of all accumulated points to one single card. In addition, most of these cards also offer various other travel- related benefits, including free additional tickets, lost baggage insurance, upgrade opportunities, car rental insurance, and greater coverage amount for travel accident insurance.

This could be anything from free hotel stays to car rentals, discounted vacation packages or even free airline tickets, in some instances. Apart from points, most mile cards also offer different type of rewards for members. Certain airline miles card programs entice customers with an attractive offer to take advantage of free bonus miles, as high as fifteen to twenty thousand free points, in some cases. As such, miles credit cards tend to have higher interest rates and annual fees than traditional credit cards. In general, you will receive flight miles per trip taken, but some miles card programs will offer a generous point total per flight, amounting to more points per mile than the actual miles flown. (Be sure to check with each reward miles program for specific details. ) Miles credit cards can be pretty costly for the credit card companies as well as the airlines. One of the most recent promotional trends with certain miles cards programs is to enable cardholders carrying balances to qualify for a free domestic airline ticket on any airline. These cards will also have an expiration period, before which the accumulated miles need to be used.

It is advisable that customers evaluate the pros and cons of such offers as in most cases, the cost of finance charges on the left over balance outweigh the benefits of getting a free ticket. It is important to know this period and use the accumulated miles to get the maximum benefits. Nevertheless, miles credit card offers have become immensely popular as they allow customers to accumulate valuable miles through ordinary purchases, which later can be transferred to free flights and vacations.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Category: Finance, Credit.

CREDIT REPAIR BUSINESS TO IMPROVE CREDIT RATINGS. All that you have to do is to advertise your own credit repair service.

The credit repair business is very much in demand and easy to start. When your clients contacting you just schedule an appointment with them. The contract forms prepared by an attorney will be supplied to you by us. Explain the program and service details and instruct them to fill out the contract and ensure all items are filled out correctly. You must also explain the terms of service and your fees to them and can charge from$ 300- 70 After about a week or so the client will send in their credit reports. The necessary training to draft the letters and sample letters will be provide by us.

You have to draft the dispute verification letters for each credit report you receive. Just wait for a few days for the results to come out and repeat the process if necessary. You just have to follow the necessary instructions and you can make a lot of money. It is a very easy business to do. The course will give you all the knowledge you need set up and run this business. Secrets to help your clients boost their Credit Scores as fast as possible will be shown to you.

Ways and means to develop a long list of clients will also be taught to you along with means to handle bill collectors and stop collection agencies. Many sources that will deliver you so many clients that you even might not handle by yourself will be shown. You will also learn how to settle disputes online and how to get free credit reports. An important aspect of the course is how to legally get up to 20 years of excellent credit history added to the credit report in less than 45 days. All necessary information and resources that can be incorporated into your business will be provided along with the course manual. Credit Repair Companies laws handbook is also a part of the package.

The course material includes an exclusive e- book to teach you the greatest techniques to promote your credit repair business efficiently and effectively and improve client s credit scores. An extra book on Your own Business Financing Service will be provided to you. You can get started right after receiving the course manual and understand the material provided in it. You will also receive 30 days of Email support. The amount of time required to run the credit repair business is very low. The more experienced you get the less time you will have to spend on your work.

In fact you can even work on it part time. The course will teach you how to be skilled at marketing your business and will supply you with all the resources to find many clients. The training guides will provide you with all the forms and information you need. The start up costs is also very limited compared to other businesses.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

So Is There Anything You Can Actually Do To Improve A Damaged Credit Rating

Category: Finance, Credit.

Your credit rating is a vital factor in determining what kind of loan or credit card you can expect to receive, or indeed whether you have a chance of having an application approved at all.

Missing payments on loans or credit cards will leave a black mark on your credit file, thus lowering your credit rating, and defaulting on finance altogether will have an even worse effect. Unfortunately for many people, it is all to easy to cause damage to your credit rating either through financial misfortune such as losing your job, or perhaps more commonly, by building up debts in the naivety of youth which then become difficult if not impossible to repay in a timely manner. If you find yourself with a poor credit rating, you may be tempted by the advertisements you ll no doubt have seen plastered across the web which promise to rebuild your credit rating and solve all your credit problems at a stroke. Many of these schemes are at best dubious and unlikely to achieve the promised results, while others are at worst outright illegal as they advocate the use of fraudulent techniques to leave your old credit persona behind. Does this maybe sound too good to be true? So is there anything you can actually do to improve a damaged credit rating? There will be a small fee for this, but you have the legal right to see all the data which is held on it.

The first thing to do is to obtain a copy of your credit file from one of the major credit reference agencies. Check it over carefully to see if there are any small outstanding debts which you ve overlooked, and can be repaid without too much difficulty, removing these default notices from your file. If you find any such errors, and can prove that a mistake has been made, the credit reference agencies must by law correct the information. Also ensure that all the information on your file is correct and complete, paying special attention to any debts marked outstanding which you think you might, have cleared, in fact- it s far from unknown for a cleared debt not to be accurately reflected on your file, leaving your credit score worse than it really should be. Now that you ve cleared any overlooked debts and made sure that your file is up to date and correct, you need to start to take active measures to improve your rating. What you can do, is to add, however good information to balance the bad .

It is unfortunately impossible to remove genuinely adverse information from your file until it expires naturally, which can take up to seven years depending on the nature of the offence. The most effective way to do this is to take out a form of financial service which you are almost certain to be accepted for- a high APR credit card specifically aimed at people with poor credit is a good example. The trick is to make sure that this new product you take out reports your activity to the credit reference agencies. A no- frills bank account which allows no possibility of going into debt is another. Thus, by operating the account responsibly and not missing any repayments or otherwise getting into trouble again, you will slowly begin to build up the number of positives in your file. It s by no means a magic bullet and it requires time and patience, but slowly your credit score will begin to improve to the extent that you can consider applying for a more advanced form of credit, and steadily work your way back towards a neutral or even good credit rating.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Should The Card Be Lost Or Stolen, It Can Be Quickly Cancelled And No Funds Will Be Lost

Category: Finance, Credit.

Prepaid credit cards are a type of plastic payment method that is becoming more and more popular, as although they can be used in much the same way as a standard credit card, they feature several crucial differences that can really make them more attractive to certain groups of consumers. In order to spend using the card, it must first be' loaded' with funds via a bank transfer, by debit card over the telephone, or in some cases over the counter at the bank.

The biggest difference is that these cards do not in fact offer any credit facility, and so the name' prepaid credit card' is perhaps a little misleading, and a better alternative is simply' prepaid cards' . Once the money has been transferred onto the card, you are free to spend up to that amount in all the same places and ways that you can use a normal credit card. Firstly, many people are rightly concerned over the possibility of building up excessive debts by unrestrained use of credit, and prepaid cards allow all the convenience of credit cards without this risk. But why is this an advantage? Secondly, because there is no credit being extended, the approval process is usually very simple- in fact, it's much harder to be refused a card than to be accepted! The lack of credit checks also means that in most cases minors are eligible to carry the card, although in some cases it must be taken out in a parent's name. There won' t be any credit check carried out, and for this reason even people with very poor credit ratings are able to enjoy the benefits of paying by plastic online and by telephone, without their previous financial histories getting in the way.

This means that parents of teenagers can load up the card for their child to use, which will be much safer than carrying cash. Prepaid cards can also be given as gifts, much as with the traditional shopping voucher schemes, but with the advantage that the gift recipient is free to spend the money anywhere they choose, not just with the retailer who issued the vouchers. Should the card be lost or stolen, it can be quickly cancelled and no funds will be lost. So far so good, but as with most things, there are also drawbacks. This will, not usually be, however too high. The first one is that there will normally be a flat charge made for opening an account, to cover administration costs as well as the actual physical cost of making the card. A more serious drawback is that a fee of around 3% will be levied on everything you buy with the card.

You may also have to pay a flat monthly fee just to carry the card, even if you don' t make use of it. This figure may not seem too high, but in comparison to a cashback card which will actually pay you to make purchases, it's certainly not something to take lightly. If your credit rating is good, and you' re confident that you' ll be disciplined enough to pay off your balance in full every month, then a decent cashback or rewards card would make a better choice than a prepaid card. However, if you have a poor credit rating, are under the age of 18, or are simply wary of taking on debt, then a prepaid card can certainly be an attractive way of enjoying the convenience of paying with plastic.

Monday, August 11, 2008

You Just Started To Establish Good Credit

Everyone has their own opinion on credit cards. Conversely, they can really harm your credit when they are used incorrectly.

They are a great tool when used correctly. In my own personal experience, credit cards have really made my life easier over the years. The key is to make your payments on time. I primarily use them for small and sometimes large purchases. Like anything else in life you must know your own limitations. They over extend themselves. This is where the majority of people get themselves in a real bind with credit cards.

In my opinion, I wouldn' t have more than 3 credit cards. It's very easy to max a credit card out and only make the monthly minimum payments and the credit card companies love that. Any more than that and your asking for trouble. They can make a lot of money this way for many years. I' m in car sales and have had many young people ask me how they can they buy a car if they have no credit? If you want to establish credit and build a good credit rating. credit cards are a great tool to do so.

Auto loans are very difficult to get if you have no credit established and it usually requires a good credit co- signer. For a young person just starting out, this can be daunting! For people who can' t get a co- signer they have to do something on their own. The following steps can help establish credit. The time table can be adjusted. It is just a general guideline. STEP ONE: Apply for a small max limit credit card. say for$ 500.

It could be the futon you always wanted or a. small home entertainment system, etc. STEP TWO: Once you receive the card go buy a single medium sized ticket item for it. STEP THREE: Make monthly payments on that item for say 6 months, and DON' T BE LATE ON YOUR PAYMENTS! You just started to establish good credit! STEP FOUR: Congratulations! But, your not done yet. Then go out and buy another single ticket item that will be a large purchase to you.

STEP FIVE: Repeat the above four steps again, only ask your credit card company to increase your limit say to$ 1, 000, $2, 000 or even$ 3, 000 dollars. Again, make your payments on time and do so over the next 6 months to a year. Yes, but it's very effective! Now, is this process lenghty? With a decent income and established credit on your credit card/ cards, you should be able to easily walk into any auto dealership in the U. Not only that, your good credit will give you a great auto loan with a low percentage rate.

S and make your first auto purchase on your own without any help from a co- signer! Bottom line, don' t be afraid to get a credit card if it's your first time and secondly, cut up those credit cards if you have more than three. If your like me and follow these simple and effective guidelines you will LOVE your credit card/ cards and your life will be better for it! In addition, don' t use credit cards for everyday expenses like paying for groceries and make your payments on time.